le tte rs
to Sharilyn Wright for being able to creatively
organize her small home (“ No Small Order” January). I’m a mom of
a toddler and also run a small creative business from home. I’m
excited to try Sharilyn’s tips. Thanks for the inspiration.”
Lauren Munzenmaier, San Diego, CA
Good ideas
in January’s “Swap
T ill You Drop.” M y friends and I
recently held a party where we
brought kitchen gadgets that we
didn’t use or w ant and auctioned
them off. W e raised more than $ 4 0
and used the money to purchase
items for a fam ily in need through
our church.
Mary Howe, Jefferson, OH
I enjoy
your magazine and picked
up on most of the tips in January’s
“25 Ways to Conquer Clutter.” The
idea of transferring CDs to digital is a
good one, but suggesting that the
discs can then be sold would be a
violation of copyright.
Nechama Cox, Baltimore, MD
T h a n k s , N e c h a m a , a n d o t h e r s f o r
p o i n t i n g t h a t o u t . A l t h o u g h i t i s l e g a l
t o c o n v e r t m u s i c y o u o w n t o d i g i t a l
f o r m
a t f o r y o u r o w n u s e , s e l l i n g o r
g i v i n g a w a y t h e d i s c s v i o l a t e s
c o p y r i g h t l a w s . C o n s i d e r p u t t i n g d i s c s
i n o u t - o f - t h e - w a y s t o r a g e o r r e c y c l i n g
t h e m . S i n c e m
o s t l o c a l r e c y c l i n g
c e n t e r s a n d c u r b s i d e p r o g r a m
s d o n ’ t
a c c e p t C D s , y o u r b e s t o p t i o n i s t o m
a i l
y o u r d i s c s t o a r e c y c l i n g f a c i l i t y s u c h
a s t h e C D R e c y c l i n g C e n t e r o f
A m
e r i c a
o r
G r e e n D i s k
W e asked: How
do you stay
With four children ages 13, 11, 10,
and— surprisel— 17 months, being
organized is a priority in our often
chaotic household. I’Ve found that
telling children to do specific tasks,
such as straighten up the closet
or toybox, works better than the
general, “Go clean your room."
Stray headphones, iPods, and
phones go in our “Where is it?"
basket on the counter, aka our
home’s lost and found.
Renee Wernicki
Tewksbury Township, NJ
I have two small ideas that have
helped me stay organized. For
organizing earrings inside a jewelry
box, I use seven-day pill organizers
(with the tops sliced off). In our
small walk-through laundry room,
my husband modified a white
wire shelf that can be pulled
down to create five feet of
hanging space, then snapped flat
against the wall when the clothes
are moved.
Mary Dunnam, Wheaton, IL
I scrapbook and make cards,
which can be an expensive hobby
if it doesn’t stay under control. I
use resealable clear bags to
organize papers and
embellishments and label them
Birthday, Halloween, Easter,
Christmas, Girl, Boy, etc. Now I
have all the supplies I need
(except for adhesives and tools,
of course) to create themed
page layouts in simple bagged
kits. Add a desk and wardrobe
from Ikea—and I’m organized!
Cherie Johanson, Vancouver, WA
Your annual issue on conquering
clutter and getting organized is a
favorite, and I always glean good
ideas. I keep large, clear
“grandchildren" boxes sorted with
toys, games, and puzzles, plus a
large laundry basket for books.
They’re easily accessible, the
grandchildren know where
everythings is, and cleanup is
a snap.
Vicky Paulson, Lake Stevens, WA
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MARCH 2010
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